This paragraph was recently published as part of an introduction to an original prints exhibition:
"…an artists' print, such as all the work in this exhibition [ and on this blog ], is an artwork in its own right, not a copy of a painting. Artists' prints may also be known as 'original prints'. Artists' prints are conceived and executed from the outset as prints, with the image created by the artist and printed by them or under their direct supervision. Because the process is carried out by hand, the amount of pressure applied each time is slightly different, as is the amount of ink applied, and therefore, each print will have subtle differences."
The exhibition is at Kings Manor, Exhibition Square, York (Mon-Fri) until 4 October 2013.
Petherick, A. (2013) "Lasting Impressions" Exhibition held at Kings Manor, York, Mon-Fri until 4 October 2013. Curated by Kentmere Gallery, York.
"…an artists' print, such as all the work in this exhibition [ and on this blog ], is an artwork in its own right, not a copy of a painting. Artists' prints may also be known as 'original prints'. Artists' prints are conceived and executed from the outset as prints, with the image created by the artist and printed by them or under their direct supervision. Because the process is carried out by hand, the amount of pressure applied each time is slightly different, as is the amount of ink applied, and therefore, each print will have subtle differences."
A detail of two prints from the same edition illustrating these subtle differences. The hand-painted plate added to the sea in the print on the right is slightly darker than the one on the left. How many other differences can you see?
The exhibition is at Kings Manor, Exhibition Square, York (Mon-Fri) until 4 October 2013.
Petherick, A. (2013) "Lasting Impressions" Exhibition held at Kings Manor, York, Mon-Fri until 4 October 2013. Curated by Kentmere Gallery, York.