Sketching variations in plate development.
Original printmaking can be an open process, with room for creative experimentation at all stages. Some people think printmaking is a 'mechanical' art and while it can be, not all printmaking is dominated by the 'mechanics' of making it. Here, above, we can see several sketches for a second plate/colour to be added to a print - the first colour has already been printed. As you can see, Lynne, a fine art printmaker, is considering what to cut away and has played with a number of creative ideas for the same plate.
Original printmaking can be an open process, with room for creative experimentation at all stages. Some people think printmaking is a 'mechanical' art and while it can be, not all printmaking is dominated by the 'mechanics' of making it. Here, above, we can see several sketches for a second plate/colour to be added to a print - the first colour has already been printed. As you can see, Lynne, a fine art printmaker, is considering what to cut away and has played with a number of creative ideas for the same plate.